The Man Who Invented the Chain Hoist

Image of a chain hoist with the text "The Man who invented the chain hoist" next to it.

If necessity is the mother of invention, then ingenuity is the father. Both virtues are present in Fred R. Coffing, the inventor of the chain hoist that has helped farmers carry loads and factories move important inventory safely and efficiently.

The Great Depression of the 1930’s has chained down the economy, but Fred Coffing has literally lifted important assets for the nation. He has found a product that has become instrumental in raising the economy back to normal levels in an environment where the public are having difficulties with just putting food on the table.

The good thing about hoists is that they can be applied to anything that has a problem with distance or force. For instance, Circuses use hoists in performing amazing tricks and the construction companies use cranes and other equipment that uses the technology behind a chain hoist.

Like the chain hoist that has helped farmers, factory workers, and other industries, Americrane and Hoist Corp has been carrying the torch when it comes to innovating the chain hoist. With more than 5 decades of providing great chain hoist products and services, Americrane and Hoist Corp is the national leader in handling Cranes, Beam Clamps, and other hoistsAmericrane and Hoist Corp serves the public through OSHA inspections, training classes for operator safety, and maintenance inspections as well as providing reliable products.

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